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Smiley Family Dentistry Blog

Invest in Dental Implants Before Your Benefits Expire

November 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drsmiley @ 7:51 pm

Dental implant on money before using dental insurance. If you’re missing a tooth or two, you’ve heard about the benefits of dental implants. Unfortunately, you might not believe they are for you because of their price, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. If you have dental insurance, you can use your coverage to help offset the cost of the treatment; however, if you don’t act fast, you can miss your opportunity for a complete smile. At the end of the year, your insurance policy will expire. Here’s how you can invest in dental implants without breaking the bank.


When Did You Last Clean Your Toothbrush Holder?

October 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmiley @ 9:28 pm
Toothbrushes in toothbrush holder

You already knew that there are all sorts of germs and bacteria all around you, though you try not to think about it all too often. As frequently as you’ve been washing your hands and wiping down hard surfaces, you may be forgetting about some of the dirtiest items in your home. In fact, some of them are in your very own bathroom. Continue reading to learn from your dentist in Waverly about what these objects are so you can take a little bit of time to ensure that they get cleaned up.


Is the Keto Diet Bad for Your Oral Health?

September 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmiley @ 7:16 pm
Woman with bad breath

In the last few years, you have probably heard of the “keto” diet that has been sweeping the country. Most of the time, people begin following this diet for the purpose of losing weight, but it may also help to manage certain medical conditions like epilepsy, heart disease, acne, and certain brain diseases. However, something that many people don’t seem to consider is the effects that the ketogenic diet has on their teeth. Continue reading to learn more about the relationship between the keto diet and oral health from your dentist near Waverly.


How Is Your Dental Team Preparing for Your Visit During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

July 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmiley @ 10:05 pm
Dentist in Waverly wearing face shield

Dentists and other health professionals always follow strict guidelines to ensure the safety of their team and patients. Changes have been made since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to allow patients to get the care that they need while significantly reducing the risk of falling ill. Continue reading to learn about the new steps that your dentist in Waverly is taking to protect those in the office from the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.


The Right Products For Dental Cleaning In Waverly

July 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmiley @ 12:23 pm

You brush your teeth twice a day, every day, but did you know that not all oral hygiene products are created equal? From toothbrushes to mouthrinses and everything in between, the numerous options can be overwhelming. So, where do you start when looking for the best products for your smile? With this post from the team at Smiley Family Dentistry! They share tips on how to care for your teeth in between the times you have a professional dental cleaning in Waverly with them. (more…)

Your Dentist Is Wearing These 4 Items to Protect Patients

May 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmiley @ 6:28 am
Woman smiling at dentist in Waverly

Are you eager to get back to the dentist but unsure if it is safe to go? As states begin opening back up following the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, dentists are taking extra precautions to ensure each and every patient visit is as safe as possible. These extra measures include implementing new dental safety protocols and wearing personal protection equipment (PPE) during every procedure. Interested to know more? Keep reading to learn how your dentist in Waverly is prepared to welcome you safely back to their office.


How to Keep Your Smile Looking Its Best While in Quarantine

April 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmiley @ 8:18 pm
a young woman smiling and holding a manual toothbrush

COVID-19 likely has you stuck indoors these days. If you’re looking for ways to pass the time, why not consider what you can do to improve your smile’s health and appearance? While keeping up with dental hygiene during quarantine might seem “boring,” you’ll be pleased to know that the more you do now, the better off you’ll be when it comes time to see your dentist for a regular checkup and cleaning. Check out these helpful tips that will help you to take control of your oral health and avoid cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.


Have Damaged Teeth? Learn Whether Direct Bonding or Porcelain Veneers are Best for You

October 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:00 pm
person holding a notepad with a question mark on it

Whether you have severe or minor dental damage, it can have a heavy impact on your confidence and self-esteem. There are a couple cosmetic procedures that can repair your grin, but it can be hard to know which one is right for you. If you’re stuck choosing between porcelain veneers vs. bonding, you’ll want to make sure you select the one that can offer you the most benefits. Read on to learn the difference between these two procedures and which one is the best choice for your unique situation.


Can Vaping Put Your Smile at Risk? A Dentist Weighs In

August 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmiley @ 4:08 pm
Man exhaling vape smoke

Vaping is the “new smoking” that some say is a healthier alternative. But, while it may seem like it’s less harmful than tobacco, the truth is that it can lead to many consequences for your smile and overall health. In fact, it can put you at much greater risk for problems like cavities that require major work from a dentist in Waverly to repair. Learn more below about the impact of vaping and get valuable tips for quitting and maintaining your oral health.


How Dentists Color-Match Your Dental Crowns in Waverly

June 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:13 pm
woman smiling with a shade guide

If you’ve had a root canal before, chances are you have a crown over that tooth. Maybe you’ve wondered how the dentist gets that crown to perfectly match the shade of the surrounding teeth. After all, no one else has noticed that you have a crown there and not a natural tooth. Let’s look at the science behind how your dentist can color match your dental crowns in Waverly.

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